A Direct Hard Money Asset Based Lender
How we do it?
We are an asset based lender. Our loans are approved based on the equity in the property you're looking to receive funding for. We require no proof of income and no credit score requirements. Our application process is fast and easy allowing you to receive funds within days. Each scenario is underwritten separately allowing us the flexibility to get approval within in hours. Contact us by filling out a quick quote or calling directly.
- Equity based lending!
- Funds on hand ready to loan!
- Fast and efficient communication!
- Approval in hours!
- We provide best tools ever!
Why we do it?
At Pacific Loanworks, Inc. we know that you have a multitude of options to choose from and we thank you for your interest in our company. Pacific Loanworks, Inc. has been a family-run company specializing in Trust Deed loans and investments for over a decade. We have an unwavering commitment to quality product and service for both borrowers and investors. Our track record is impeccable and we have hundreds of satisfied return clients. Our goal is to find what is best suited for your needs, provide you with exceptional service and a very competitive product. Again, thank you for your interest in Pacific Loanworks, Inc. I'm confident that once you understand what services we can provide to you, we will begin a long and financially beneficial relationship.
Years of Experience
Loans Funded
Loans Presently Serviced
Day average to Fund
How did we get started?
With over 30 years experience in construction and real estate working to get funding for our projects and see the obstacles we faced as well as our peers, we saw a need to provide a special type of financing that we needed. Our business has since grew into one of Southern California premier hard money lenders, funding hundreds of loans yearly, and helping thousands in the process.